Sunday, December 21, 2008

Introduction to Motorcycling Course

I rode my first motorcycle today and it was absolutely brilliant!!! It was in the Introduction to Motorcycling course. It was a 7:45am start with over 4 hours in total, three of them spent on them n a Yamaha 225cc Scorpio. I was very wobbly at first, which made me think that I will never be able to ride, but then suddenly something clicked into place and I was doing the right things – he right amount of throttle, break, I was looking up, my knees were to the bike, etc. I was zooming around the track (or what felt like zooming, I was still of first gear!!) feeling one with the bike (it sounds corny, I know). It was SO cool! The car felt boring afterwords.
Two people dropped out of the course of the course, leaving 3 of us left in total. We were told we had done ¾ of the pre-learners prac stuff. Knowing that I felt better, especially after Helen’s tales of dropping her bike and getting through with a scooter license. I am hoping that won’t happen to me, but I think I will be okay… I happy not dropping the course on the first course.

Total ride time: 3 hours
Total km: about 1 km
Cost of 4 hour course: $90

On and I sat on a very lovely Virago that was for sale. Not sure if I will get it, but it felt so right and lovely to be on, so much nicer than the Scorpion on the course.

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